Monday, October 10, 2011

Computers never do what you want them to do (1st lesson)

“Computers never do what you want them to do,
they only do what you tell them to!”

Using the web, find definitions for the following terms and post them on your blog. Make sure the definitions relate to computers and programming

1.    Algorithms- A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, esp. by a computer.

2.    Pseudocode- A notation resembling a simplified programming language, used in program design

  1. Machine Language- programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers

4.    High Level Computer Language

5.    Flowchart- The graphical representation of a process, showing each process step as a bubble or box connected by arrows.

6.    Sequence- A particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other

7.    Selection- A range of things from which a choice may be made

8.    Repetition- The action of repeating something that has already been said or written

Then with the aid of class discussions, write an algorithm for the following processes;
1.       opening a door and entering a room.
turn around 180' , walk straight 2 steps , put hand out, hold the door, turn the knob clockwise, push the door.
2.       Negotiating traffic lights as you drive down a street.
In your algorithm write each step of the process on a new line. Remember not to assume the computer knows anything.

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