Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Carees in digital graphics

Graphic design

What does the person in the career do?
A graphic designer is someone that combines words and images to get information across to an audience. A graphic design is anything that has/is using pictures that may or may not have been printed.
Where would you see this person work?
Websites, cards, business marketing, designs for books, posters, advertisements, signs
What training is need for the careers?
You would need to have some background in using paint or drawing programs and you would need to be able to know who to use them properly.
What kind of software/ hardware is used?
-          Photoshop
-          Inkscape
-          Indesign


What does the person do in the career?
An animator creates cartoons
Where would you see this persons work?
-          Movies
-          TV
-          Computer games
-          Cartoons
-          Video animation
What training is need for the career?
Talented artist that know a bit about the business and about drawing cartoon characters, schooling is also available and is the best option if wanting the train in animation
What kind of software and hardware is used?
Graphic tablet: A graphic tablet is a computer device that allows you to draw images onto the computer. Most animation is drawing on a graphic tablet.


I have just finished my animation frames, i have over 100 frames, and by my calculations the animation will go for around about 24 secounde- 25 sceounds. I have changed my animation plan for the thrid time. I have decided to still use the zooming of the world ,, but i am scratching the leaf and parts of the tree and now i am having a plan world then colouring the world and park orange .