Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Broadband Research

1.      What is broadband?
 broad band is telecommunication signal which has a high data rate connection to the Internet
2.      Outline the methods of delivery of broadband (wireless, cable, ADSL and fibre)? Identify the speed of each method.
wireless- The speed of the wifi connection really depends on the range of the modern to the wirless connection and how many gigabites you have when accessing the internet. (Traditional 802.11b was licensed for omnidirectional service spanning only 100–150 meters)
cable-bit rates can be as much as 400 for business connections, and 100 for residential service
ADSL- ADSL ranges from 256 kbit/s to 20 Mbit/s 
fibre-  fiber-optic cables connected directly to buildings will deliver broadband speeds up to 100 megabits per second.
3.      Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.]

  • ASDL broadband is much quicker
  •   Another advantage is that broadband uses signals that do not disturb the normal phone signals
  • Broadband is, in general, an 'always on' connection which means that it is always connected and ready to go.


  • It requires a fixed physical connection between the source and destination and therefore does not support mobile applications.
  • It is usually costly to install.



  • ADSL has the advantage of a dedicated amount of bandwidth, but is affected by the distance from the Central Office.

  • ItIt can cover greater distances more reliably than wire
  • It can handle greater speeds, e.g. 1000Mbps and upwards
  • It can not be compromised by signal tapping


  • It is not as robust as wire
  • It is more expensive to buy
  • It is more expensive to install
  • It has be installed by specialists

4.      Give examples of broadband providers and identify the costs.
ADSL broadband ( broadband only )

12 months

  • Implementation cost is cheaper than wired network.
  • Ideal for the non-reachable places such as across river or mountain or rural area.
  • Ideal for temporary network setups.

  • Lower speed compared to wired network.
  • Less secure because hacker's laptop can act as Access Point. If you connected to their laptop, they'll read all your information
  • More complex to configure than wired network.

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