Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Task 3

What image format did you save your frames as?
 PNG format.

What frame rate were you aiming for?
My frame rate in the end was 0.20 for the first section on the animation and then 0.30 seconds for the second part of the animation.

What is the final size of your animation?

What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?
The problems that occurred during the process of creating my animation was that I couldn’t find any motivation to start the assessment. During the period of the 6 weeks I believe I had many ideas and had a lot of resources to start my animation but the plan would never work or would be to hard and the animation would not come out smooth enough.  I believe that I had 6-10 ideas that I wanted to do for my animation but I never completed any of those ideas. The 2nd last week of the animation i was told it was due next week. I panicked and I combined all my initial ideas the create my finished product.  
While creating the animation there was numerous times where I would export it as a selection instead of the page which resorted me to go back and delete all the exported images that were wrong and start again. Luckily I only had to change to picture.   

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