Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Overall, using wix to create my website was definately a success for me, because the site was not only easy to use, but also made a page that was aesthetically pleasing. The amount of choices of layout made on my webpage, made it more interesting because every page had a different setting, creating a change and diversity between every page.
Another issue that nearly every user of Wix had to face was to wait for a long period of time for the page to load, which confused me because when i tried the other websites toc create my webpage it didn't lag or i didn't had to wait for a long time for it to load/save. So, waiting was an issue i faced.
Overall i found wix pretty enjoyable and fun to use. In the beggining i found it difficult to use, however now that i am aware of how to use it and how it works it is much simpler and easier to use. It is also helpful for me as i would love to use this webpage in the future if i need to make a presentation for something because now i'm sure how to use it and don't find it difficult.
If i had the opportunity to re-do my webpage, i would have used my time wisely spending the same amout of time and effort in every page, instead of putting soooo much effort into the first few pages and then rushing through the last pages in order to meet the deadline of the due date.
I feel very proud of the work i have done through Wix, and i am planning to use this knowledge in the future, to maybe present in class to replace powerpoints. I also learnt new techniques and information about the whole world of multimedia, including the different types of multimedia., some stuff that i didn't know of before and also about the future of multimedia. How nothing is staying the same, over time technology is becoming more compact and is having more storage place. Can't wait for what's soon to come out!

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