Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What image format were you saving your work in during development of the frames?

What image format were you saving your work in during development of the frames?
I saved my images in a PNG format instead of saving it as a GIF image. Saving the frames as a PNG file made it easier

Describe the creation process you followed.

Describe the creation process you followed.

I first started out with 2 main ideas (Garfield and something to do with the earth changing colour). After doing some research about both and testing out both, I decided to go with the world changing colour to orange, standing for Clare. After about 2 lessons I started my animation.  This process took about 2 weeks to complete with about 120 frames with 3 main setting throughout the animation.  The animation goes for around about 25 secounds with effects and music.  The animation starts of as a earth zooming in and then a pen drawing/ creating a boy, a tree , sun and clouds. The the pen suddenly changes colour to orange , so  the pen now colours all the objects on the frame orange. The end the movie the earth zooms in and the pen colours the world in orange, with the next 30 frames writing out " everything looks better in orange". "everything looks better in orange" is my theme for the animation.


Describe what software you used and why you chose it.

Describe what software you used and why you chose it.

I used inkscape to create my animation. I choose to do my animation on inkscape because I was confident in using the software and I understood the program, compared with Gimp which is a program that I have not used before when creating animations or editing pictures. I believe inkscape is easy to use if you know what you are doing. Once i had my idea for my animation it was easy to create my animation.