Monday, November 28, 2011


After reading the assigment and the many outcome for the game i have decided to list all the programing needs for the game.

1. Backrounds: The will be 2 backrounds 1. for the main menu and 2. for the actual game play
2. Sprite costumes:The original game of doodle jump with the main character being doodle does not change costume .  I will at some point change the costume of the main character ,, as i do not wish to be marked down.
3. the game will contain scoring
4.To control the character the player must use the keyboard . The instruction will outline the keys
5. There will be sound when ever the character jumps/bounces
6. the colour outline will be simple and straight forward.

progress 3

Starting my Doodle Jump game version ,, i have decided to use platform instead of a backround . After research via youtube and webpage i have found that using platforms allows the main character in this chase an alian named doodle to jump and move more effective and freely ,, with the motion being much smooth and the response quicker. The down fall to this though is that the main character " doodle ' will have alot of script and i fear that it might overlap when controling the game.

progress 2 (problems)

After 2 weeks of trying to create a simple but effective version on space invaders i have decided to try and create a popular game " Doddle Jump".

Problems with space invaders :

The control of the space ship are easy to move , but getting the bullut to fire and then command the alien to die and take score is the hard.
The complex control and script that was needed to create a simple game was to hard when trying.

progress 1

After completing the scratch task all 8 of them i have gained enough knowledge to try and create a game.

I have decided to try and make space invaders.
The game will have 3 levels or challenges ( easy , medium and hard)
Shooting the aliens will gain point and the the highest score of each game will be placed on a ranking sheet.
There will be 2 backrounds 1. for the menu bar and 2. for the actual game.

I believe creating space invaders wil be a challenge