Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My wix assignment has been going great, i have done my research for 3 of my topics:
- social networking- ports- handheld devices- Bluetooth.

I only have the research to do for bluetooth then all my research would be completed

At the moment i am working on making my website pretty and filled with attractive items, most of my pges are going well as i have also found some youtube videos to add to my information. I have added many animations and am enjoying this assignment as wix is fun to use.
we have all received an extension till tuesday.

I beleive i have used my time wisely as i am not stressed about this assignment, however i'm going through this assignment calmly.
I am now going to go and add more stuff to my wix website, and go through the checklist miss has made for us incase i havn't done something. This will let me know if i have completed my assignment fully and use my extension days to add anything extra to my page which i have missed.

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